Push Notifications
Unity push notifications using OneLink & Firebase
This is the recommended method for implementing push notification measurement in the Unity Appsflyer SDK.
앱스플라이어를 안드로이드 푸시 알림과 통합하려면:
- 푸시 알림
, calladdPushNotificationDeepLinkPath
호출 전에start
In the example above, the SDK is configured to look for the af_push_link
페이로드의 첫 번째 수준에 있는 키에 있습니다.
호출할 때 addPushNotificationDeepLinkPath
the SDK verifies that:
- 필수 키가 페이로드에 있습니다.
- 이 키는 유효한 원링크 URL을 포함합니다.
accepts an array of strings too, to allow you to extract the relevant key from nested JSON structures. For more information, seeaddPushNotificationDeepLinkPath
- Create a new Firebase Unity app and follow the Firebase guide (Import the SDK package and the GoogleService files to Unity)
- Create FirebaseManager empty object and add
to it:
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using Firebase.Extensions;
using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using AppsFlyerSDK;
public class FirebaseManager : MonoBehaviour
private Vector2 scrollViewVector = Vector2.zero;
private string logText = "";
const int kMaxLogSize = 16382;
Firebase.DependencyStatus dependencyStatus = Firebase.DependencyStatus.UnavailableOther;
protected bool isFirebaseInitialized = false;
private string topic = "TestTopic";
// Log the result of the specified task, returning true if the task
// completed successfully, false otherwise.
protected bool LogTaskCompletion(Task task, string operation)
bool complete = false;
if (task.IsCanceled)
DebugLog(operation + " canceled.");
else if (task.IsFaulted)
DebugLog(operation + " encounted an error.");
foreach (Exception exception in task.Exception.Flatten().InnerExceptions)
string errorCode = "";
Firebase.FirebaseException firebaseEx = exception as Firebase.FirebaseException;
if (firebaseEx != null)
errorCode = String.Format("Error.{0}: ",
DebugLog(errorCode + exception.ToString());
else if (task.IsCompleted)
DebugLog(operation + " completed");
complete = true;
return complete;
// When the app starts, check to make sure that we have
// the required dependencies to use Firebase, and if not,
// add them if possible.
protected virtual void Start()
Firebase.FirebaseApp.CheckAndFixDependenciesAsync().ContinueWithOnMainThread(task =>
dependencyStatus = task.Result;
if (dependencyStatus == Firebase.DependencyStatus.Available)
"Could not resolve all Firebase dependencies: " + dependencyStatus);
// Setup message event handlers.
void InitializeFirebase()
Firebase.Messaging.FirebaseMessaging.MessageReceived += OnMessageReceived;
Firebase.Messaging.FirebaseMessaging.TokenReceived += OnTokenReceived;
Firebase.Messaging.FirebaseMessaging.SubscribeAsync(topic).ContinueWithOnMainThread(task =>
LogTaskCompletion(task, "SubscribeAsync");
DebugLog("Firebase Messaging Initialized");
// This will display the prompt to request permission to receive
// notifications if the prompt has not already been displayed before. (If
// the user already responded to the prompt, thier decision is cached by
// the OS and can be changed in the OS settings).
task =>
LogTaskCompletion(task, "RequestPermissionAsync");
isFirebaseInitialized = true;
public virtual void OnMessageReceived(object sender, Firebase.Messaging.MessageReceivedEventArgs e)
DebugLog("Received a new message");
var notification = e.Message.Notification;
if (notification != null)
DebugLog("title: " + notification.Title);
DebugLog("body: " + notification.Body);
var android = notification.Android;
if (android != null)
DebugLog("android channel_id: " + android.ChannelId);
if (e.Message.From.Length > 0)
DebugLog("from: " + e.Message.From);
if (e.Message.Link != null)
DebugLog("link: " + e.Message.Link.ToString());
if (e.Message.Data.Count > 0)
foreach (System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair<string, string> iter in
DebugLog(" " + iter.Key + ": " + iter.Value);
DebugLog("DidReceivedDeepLink: true");
appsFlyerObj.DidReceivedDeepLink = true;
var dataDict = new Dictionary<string, string>(e.Message.Data);
public virtual void OnTokenReceived(object sender, Firebase.Messaging.TokenReceivedEventArgs token)
DebugLog("Received Registration Token: " + token.Token);
public void ToggleTokenOnInit()
bool newValue = !Firebase.Messaging.FirebaseMessaging.TokenRegistrationOnInitEnabled;
Firebase.Messaging.FirebaseMessaging.TokenRegistrationOnInitEnabled = newValue;
DebugLog("Set TokenRegistrationOnInitEnabled to " + newValue);
// Exit if escape (or back, on mobile) is pressed.
protected virtual void Update()
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Escape))
// End our messaging session when the program exits.
public void OnDestroy()
Firebase.Messaging.FirebaseMessaging.MessageReceived -= OnMessageReceived;
Firebase.Messaging.FirebaseMessaging.TokenReceived -= OnTokenReceived;
// Output text to the debug log text field, as well as the console.
public void DebugLog(string s)
logText += s + "\n";
while (logText.Length > kMaxLogSize)
int index = logText.IndexOf("\n");
logText = logText.Substring(index + 1);
scrollViewVector.y = int.MaxValue;
function, for iOS specifically, we are calling theAppsFlyeriOS.handlePushNotification(Dictionary<string, string> pushPayload)
method (read more) in order to trigger the AppsFlyerSDK method that is getting overridden due to Firebase's swizzling.
- Add an APN Authentication key to your Firebase Unity iOS app
- After building your project, open the XCode project and add the following capabilities:
- Push Notifications
- Background Modes -> Remote Notifications
- Associated Domains (for UDL) - read more
- If you are getting errors when building the app due to bitcode, disable bitcode
- In the AndroidManifest: Add the following service:
<service android:name="com.google.firebase.messaging.MessageForwardingService" android:permission="android.permission.BIND_JOB_SERVICE" android:exported="true" />
- Create a Keystore and a key for your app and generate the SHA1 fingerprint (and the SHA256 fingerprint for Android App Links)
- SHA1 for Firebase
- SHA1 for Firebase
최신 데이터 1년 이상 전